Monday, January 18, 2016

Bigger Than Us MLK Day

                Today on Martin Luther King Day, Portland Trailblazers Damian Lillard debuted a video for his song inspired by everything he sees going on around us in the world today. The song by Damian Lillard is called “Bigger than Us” this is a great song and a great video with a very powerful message.  According to an article I read from USA today “Damian Lillard’s new rap video is hope for racial harmony” Lillard wants to use the platform he has as being a NBA superstar for a greater good and be a role model for other people.

“I was inspired by all the things going on around us, I felt like it was important that it was addressed," Lillard told USA TODAY Sports. "It affects all of us, whether in a positive or negative way. For someone with my platform, I felt like it was a great opportunity to express that. I'm not on either side. You know, I think that when we stand together, a lot more can be accomplished."

It is amazing to see an athlete using his talent and platform to be a positive role model and set a positive influence. Lillard is an amazing person and takes his status and the impact it has on others seriously. I really enjoyed the message in his song because he didn’t take a side or point fingers but challenged everyone to look at themselves and see how they can be a better them. Lillard stated

 “It's the same thing as a basketball team, if you have two guys who want to do one thing and two guys who want to do something else, the team won't be as strong. But if we're all on the same page, if we all believe the same thing, if we're all going in the same direction, then we're stronger. I see the same thing for the world."

I hope Lillard continues to make positive music and stay a great role model. I hope more athletes follow his path and stand up as strong role models. Athletes have a lot of influence and a lot of power to help the community. 

Link to video below: Watch and Share

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